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Werkraum: Surtitles - what does it take?


11/30/2022 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (online, in German).

Dr. Yvonne Griesel (SPRACHSPIEL)

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The importance and necessity of language delivery in the performing arts has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Multilingual productions, guest performance tours, international accessibility of the repertoire, making offers available in general are topics that occupy and challenge all theaters - whether in the state or municipal theater sector or in independent productions.

The long-term establishment of surtitles is important and sensible with a view to international accessibility, but requires - in addition to financial resources - the attention and cooperation of all trades, such as video, dramaturgy, direction and stage design.

Good planning and a basic knowledge of surtitling and translation procedures and implementation can help integrate and introduce speech transcription without stress.

How long does it take to create surtitles? What are the costs involved for theaters and groups? What needs to be purchased and how can the theater's infrastructure be leveraged? 

We will explore how surtitling can be tailored to a house and integrated into the production process. We are looking forward to interested theater professionals and concrete examples or questions for which we can discuss possible solutions together.

Dr. Yvonne Griesel, born in Geneva, works as a freelance surtitler, translator and interpreter. With her company SPRACHSPIEL, she specializes in translating foreign-language productions for festivals and guest performances, and works for the Münchner Kammerspiele, the Ruhrtriennale, Theater der Welt, the Volksbühne, the Residenztheater in Munich, and others. She translates from Russian and French for Henschel Schauspiel, Rowohlt Verlag, Alexander Verlag and Theater der Zeit. She is also a member of the board of Drama Panorama e. V. Yvonne Griesel is a qualified interpreter for Russian and French and completed her doctorate on the subject of surtitling in theater at Humboldt University, where she taught for seven years. Publications include "Translation in the Theater" (2000, Peter Lang Verlag), "Die Inszenierung als Translat" (2007, Frank und Timme Verlag). "Understanding World Theater" (2014, Alexander Verlag) as well as numerous articles in international professional publications.