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A project of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)

ITI Project

A projekt of the International Theatre Institut (ITI)


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ITI postpones annual conference in Leipzig

ITI Germany is postponing its public annual conference 2024 to a later date. It was to take place as part of euro-scene, on 9 November in Leipzig.  

In times of cultural warfare, the remaining spaces for artists and their networks for non-violent and solidary international understanding were to be discussed under the motto Reclaiming Agency!  

Due to the public shift in the discourse that occurred in the run-up to the event, unfortunately, it now seems impossible to guarantee open and trusting discussions with all participants.  

On 9 November, the ITI will present its award 2024 to the KULA Compagnie on 9 November as planned, thereby honouring exemplary work that has been working for 10 years as a transcultural transcultural and social laboratory that has been bringing together artistic and cultural identities from Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Israel, Iran and Afghanistan into dialogue in joint projects.  

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